There are many reasons why you might want to obtain a Green Card, also known as permanent residency in the United States.
Here are a few:
To live and work permanently in the United States: With a Green Card, you can live and work in the U.S. without any time restrictions. This can be especially appealing if you have family or job opportunities in the U.S.
To gain access to benefits and rights: As a Green Card holder, you may have access to certain benefits and rights that are not available to non-permanent residents. These may include Social Security benefits, Medicare benefits, and the right to vote.
To travel more easily: With a Green Card, you can travel in and out of the U.S. more easily. You won't need to apply for a visa or worry about other travel restrictions that non-permanent residents might face.
To sponsor family members for immigration: Once you have a Green Card, you can sponsor certain family members for immigration to the U.S. This can be a significant advantage if you have loved ones who want to join you in the U.S.
To pursue educational opportunities: With a Green Card, you may be eligible for lower tuition rates at colleges and universities in the U.S. This can make it easier to pursue educational opportunities and advance your career.
These are just a few of the many reasons why someone might want to obtain a Green Card. If you are considering applying for permanent residency in the U.S., it's important to consult with an immigration lawyer to fully understand your options and eligibility.